Morning minions.
So, last day before vacation and all through the house there are things that need doing and cleaning and such... Stay-cation. whatever. No money, so there ya go.
Truth is, it's going to be a sort of retreat and stuff. Gonna try to get my Buddhist groove back. I seemed to have misplaced it in my cobwebbed untamed mind. Got mandated to a training on assertive communication this week, so i suppose that means it is time to go looking for it again.
The victim is back in full effect and i hate when she gets to drive because it means i am terrified of everything and only want to be invisible. Not helpful in my particular line of work. Feeling powerless due to a supervisor who likes (she has said this) to be called "gestapo" does not instill confidence. At home, i dread geting up to see what the cats have done when i am not looking. I keep all the room doors closed to minimize where they can let known their displeasure, but i am so frigging sick of it. Dave seems not to give a shit enough to help prevent it, so i am again feeling powerless.
Time to find the peaceful center in this tootsie pop mess i am living so that the mess matters less somehow. And time to stop letting the universe walk on me again. The hard part is not going into abuser mode. I have tools to be the middle ground, but it is not what i was taught first, so that is why having some time off will be a good chance to gain ground.
Enough bitching about that.
So, four more years. I voted green, so it is not my fault. Good or bad. She seemed like the only one with a rational plan who was willing to give a straight answer to any question. So tired of double-speak. I get it at work, home and up the ass from politicians. Just once i want fewer words and accurate information. Tell us we are screwed. Tell us Congress is in it for the money and the glory. Tell us lobbyists count more than us. It would be refreshing to hear it said. And the electoral college is a fucking joke that is no longer funny. We have the technology now to do fast, accurate popular votes. Let's use that. It is way more reflective of how much none of us trust any of them and might change how they campaign. It could be less about states and more about people. Wouldn't that be a novel thing.
Maybe i would have voted differently if my state wasn't already projected to be absolutely blue. My vote didn't count in the scheme of things, so why not step out and vote green. It wouldn't have done anything to make the state more blue or red to vote otherwise. I really wish i counted sometimes.
On the state level, who knows. Everybody goes to court, everyone is a sore loser. I don't want to be governed by sore losers, so i am glad they lost. I don't want to be governed by sue-happy bastards, either, but that has yet to be determined in a court of law.
Long and short, i want government to shut up and leave me alone unless they are keeping basic services like roads, education and safety going. You don't owe me anything else. If i can't pay my own bills, i deserve to starve in a box somewhere. If i am disabled, i paid money in for that, so give it to me. Or stop taking the money out of me and i'll figure it out myself.
I think social security should be (a) voluntary and (b) only pay you back what you paid in. Problem solved. Tell me what i have saved and i will put the rest aside. Or, let me manage my own damn retirement. Like i said, the government owes nobody anything beyond what we invested for our future (ok, added that) and the basics of safety, roads and education.
And i definitely want to stop being ruled by the 1%. You push us down long enough and it will get ugly. You make your money off us because we need the jobs. Maybe it's time we push back and go local. Screw you and the global bullshit. No one owes you anything, either. Severance packages are for people who can't do their jobs. None of us get them, neither should you. Bonuses should go away, too.
Do your work for what you are paid like the rest of us.
Enough bitching about that.
But, first, we have to organize. Not just some camp in the park crap. Really organize. Outplay their game.
And for that i have to stop wanting to be invisible. Which was my original point.
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