So, feeling as i did in the post "mentally ill are dangerous felons who should never have guns" or things that are sharp or make fire, i suppose, era, i wrote the president. And others. Just cuz i disagree with the broad reaching implications of the use of a term that includes things like seasonal affective disorder.
Granted, SAD people with guns could turn out to be sad, but still, i think that the whole thing got too ridiculous and preachingly malicious rather quickly. Let's just throw an issue out there that is good for sound bites and reduces everything into bite-size morsels even idiots like the american public can understand. Because they really do think and hope we are all idiots. And that we believe everything they tell us. (pause while i recompose my thoughts post hysterical laughter)
Ok, so here we are in the 21st century. We can't blame things on witches because Harry Potter fans are a large demographic. Demons are out because, well, Pat Robertson already probably covered that base anyway. Mythical creatures are out because Twilight fans would revolt. A dead mother who didn't have the brains to keep her guns locked up and away from a son the rest of the family feared just doesn't sound right and would piss somebody else off.
So, let's blame the son. Better yet, let's generalize the hell out of the situation and say it was all the fault of the mentally ill in general. Fixing the system and getting the medical and insurance industries to actually work harder on ways to better treat these red-headed step children of the devil would be too hard, so let's just discriminate against the whole lot.
So, no one with a diagnosis gets guns. That will fix it. (another pause)
No one who has ever had a traumatic experience, experienced loss, been abused or is afraid of spiders should have access to guns. Ok, maybe the spider thing because shoes are more effective anyway, but, really??
Define your terms and think about the ramifications of the dumbed down crap that is being spewed.
The patients i see are horribly neglected by the health care system as it is and can't afford to not live in very dangerous places. Some of them should be nowhere near weapons (although even they seem to get drivers licenses).
However, the average person dealing with depression or other less "psychotic" diagnoses are still fully able to work, drive, have families and lead productive normal lives. And some of them hunt and fish for food. Some target shoot. Some hold high public offices.
Be very careful in your generalizations.
Anyway, the president did respond in a form letter kind of way (no doubt written and sent by some poor intern trying to make him look good) sending me to their pages on mental health policy.
Which missed the point entirely.