Monday, October 03, 2005

Larry's Tale (from the "Stranger Than" files)

This happened a few days after the actual 30th birthday, but it still counts. 'Cuz i say so. Darn it. So, i was in the apartment my husband of 14 months, Larry, and i had been living in for about a year. He asked about my car and asked about a man fitting Larry's description. This man had been soliciting men in the park (offering to "do" them, more specifically)... Um... Well, he had been struggling since his 10-year-old daughter had died a few months earlier and had become distant and started drinking... But, i had gotten him into therapy and he seemed to be getting better. However, he always had been better at coordinating his outfits than me and we hadn't had sex in a long time. I had just thought that, well, whatever i had thought was obviously wrong. So, i told the officer that it sounded like Larry and explained he was working until 11. The officer decided that they would speak with him and arrest him at home the next morning and i was told not to say a word to him. So, i got ready for work myself, avoided answering the phone and then went to do my shift. He called me at work after he got home (i was working overnight) and i did my best to small talk. I went to my mom's after work to avoid the arrest. We talked, i refused to bail him out so he would not act on any suicidal impulses and so he would stay sober for a while (he'd been up to about a case of bottles a night). He was sentenced to rehab and we were divorced by the first week of December. He had to figure stuff out that he couldn't decide when married. Last i knew, he was living with a guy and working in a halfway house. I sold the ring set to pay for the divorce and some karate lessons. And that was what happened when i turned 30.
Suddenly yours doesn't seem so bad, does it?
Wait till you hear about my freshman year college roommate!

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