Sunday, October 07, 2012


Facebook can have uses. One of which is that my friend Noel can snap me back from ego land. The post was "and then i stepped in a pile of cold cat vomit". He liked the post after i posted a comment rant about the cat being mean and vindictive. All of that is true. She was mad. This isn't the first time she's done this sort of thing. And she has medical issues. Kidney infection that will not die and is bankrupting me kinda issues.
However, Noel liked the post and something clicked. Karma ripens. I create causes and stuff happens. And then my mind makes it a huge drama pity party. On the basis of an "I" that doesn't exist. The "I" who stepped was not the same as the one who jumped, the one who typed... Each moment the "I" changes, moves on.
So, i had a good smile and giggle at my ludicrous self grasping and moved on.
And then the cat peed on the couch...
Anyone want to contribute to Cleo's kidney fund?

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