Thursday, January 10, 2013


Well, 2013 started off different. Never had a bona fide case of pneumonia before. Actually took two whole days off work. I have grown fond of narcotic cough syrup. Makes me all warm and cozy and stops me from coughing so hard i pull muscles (feels like wearing a vest of fire under my skin) and/or pee myself. Beyond embarrassing, that. At least i found a new use for the old feminine napkins under the sink. Just enough protection for the sprint. Almost vomited at work Tuesday from the cough. I was getting told to go home and put Vicks on my chest by absolutely psychotic people (the paranoid ones were hiding from me cuz i sounded so infected). The fun of working on a psych floor is that there are these moments when you realize they really are whole people with pasts and futures and stories about how gramma used to rub vicks on their chests when they were little and it made them feel all warm and better. I really prefer those days to most others. Except for the whole felt like crap and couldn't talk without gagging myself part.
I hated going to the doctor for a respiratory thing. In general, there isn't much they can do that i wouldn't already have done on my own. Most of it just has to run its course. I am glad she did the xray, though. We caught it early that way. I still think i could have beat it eventually. But, the muscle pain was just way too much and all the clear liquids started turning dark green. Jade is not a good color for that sort of thing.
And, no matter how much i haven't eaten, i have lost precisely zero pounds being sick. Stupid metabolism...
Anyway, that's been my year so far. And how is yours?

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