Monday, March 04, 2013

One more time and another Presidential email

Got the call from the scheduler of fun that we are on for another week or so with our little old lady. Two more nights chasing a 90 year old with a walker and history of falling and heart problems to the bathroom every time the lasix kicks in. The money is good, but sleeping in her old bed (too high, she can't get into it) while she sleeps in the low twin bed in one of her kids' old rooms is weird. Being stared at by zombie jesus on a cross is also weird. Catholics can freak me out like that. 
I have a point i think. The house is odd, which is good because i have finally figured out the secondary setting for the book i've been playing with for quite a while. Not my fault. I get in about 80 pages and then think it sucks. Keep it, but start in another direction. Still working it out. Anyway, this will help out. Possibly.
I hate working 40 hours a week. Doing 60 is just about killing me, but welcome to the new economy. I got this email asking if i had seen the state of the union and wanting my opinion. I was working. I am treading water. I am pissed off. And i think that Washington DC may need to be swallowed by a sink hole to fix anything. Stupid Presidential emails.
Tired and rambling means signing off until i wake back up.

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