Monday, July 01, 2013

Mom's Maladies: Leaky, Creaky and Ow.

Well, minions, looks like mom swallowing a camera yielded fun results. They found out where she is bleeding and it wasn't the alcohol, as i had suspected. Leaky arteries. Go figure. She's fragile. I just typed that with a straight face. Trust me, this woman is not fragile. Her arteries maybe, but she is no nonsense New England Dairy Farm you can stop when the work is done unfragile as it gets. Except that the pain in her legs and back has stopped her in her tracks and the anemia is kicking her ass. Still, i wouldn't call her fragile. Not to her face. Not twice. Cuz she'd switch the hell out of me the first time.
That said, she didn't have the energy to yell and bitch today at the family fun day cookout and that was a nice turn of events. Three years ago, she would have been pitching fits and horseshoes. It has been a long three years. I kinda miss the piss and vinegar. A little. In a nostalgic, but not really kind of way.
I am officially starting an exercise and diet routine tomorrow to avoid anything resembling her fat(e) in 25 years. The helination is getting the hell off her ass. Bring it.

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