I am so sick of America acting like a bully, doling out corporal punishment to any government or action it finds somehow wrong. I am as appalled as anyone else about what is happening around the Middle East in places like Egypt and Syria, not to mention various countries in Africa (ok, technically, Egypt is both, but i am trying to keep this simple. Long story short, i sent an email to the White House (again) telling him my opinion (again). Different subject this time and bigger words than i used when W was in, but a scathing note nonetheless. I didn't use any of the flag words, so i doubt they will notice it. I have in the past. Sometimes for fun. Playing with the Homeland Overlords is a hobby. As is flipping off their office in Latham. That whole act pisses me off. Those emails were epic. Used big words in spite of myself. Basically accused them of becoming the country they most wanted to nuke at that time. Dumbasses. Anyway, here we are again. Another big-eared idiot about to spank someone. Haven't they all decided that violent parenting begets violent kids? Agree or disagree with that one (i have no problem with the spankings i took - taught me respect, which this country lacks in spades these days), pissing off the regime is not going to make them any more warm and fuzzy about the rebels. It didn't work in Star Wars and it will not work here.
Cut all those countries off. From everything. Cut off their supporters (yes, Russia, i am talking to your asses). Be all nonviolent sit-in blockade about it. Just stop killing and destroying to try to stop killing and destroying. It is a dumb idea.
Also, my dear grammar nazis, i do not capitalize "i" because i am not more important than you. Another lesson America needs to learn.
On the other hand, if all the troops go overseas, maybe we could storm the bastille and get rid of the bloat and corruption more directly...
If your constituents can't eat and can barely afford to live at all, you should go to bed hungry as well. And we should cut 1000 jobs from redundant agencies before shutting them down. But it will never happen as long as government votes on what government does and they keep us watching reality tv and believing mainstream news.
Stepping off the soapbox now.
Man your pitchforks and torches, minions!
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