Thursday, November 09, 2006

Procrastinate? Me?

So, those terrible at keeping up on correspondence also have trouble with the whole blog thing, as it turns out. Who knew?
Blaming everything on the thesis and the French major. This whole double major thing when solidly over 30 is just... shall we say insane? Yeah, i have a psych degree, so i can say that.
No idea, but thanks for asking... After you work with the amzingly insane for 18 years or so, you'll know. Or be on the other side of the locked door. Trust me. Seen it happen.
So, turning from playing with minds to corrupting them in multiple languages and hopefully getting my novel written so that i can corrupt even more...
Meanwhile, however, i have to go to class....
Glamorous little life i have.
Amusing anecdotes as i come up with them...
Brain Hurts.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Auto-Flush Fun

Who thought up the whole automatic flush toilets thing? Granted, it's easier than the old "flush with your foot" maneuver, but these things are psychotic. I don't need Mythbusters to tell me how far water sprays when a toilet flushes. It may be worse for those who can pull of the "squat" method, but for males and females who line the seat and relax a little, it is still unpleasant. You can hear it coming. There's this sound it makes first. I heard that sound this morning and pleaded with the thing out loud, in a public restroom, not to do it. But, it didn't listen and the spraying of butt and toilet paper lining commenced. Nothing sticks and makes a mess like wet toilet paper. And, to be sprayed with the contents of a bowl of, well you get the idea. It was not a great start to my academic day... It also flushed again once i got up. And again as i opened the stall door. Maybe it gets performance anxiety or something... Whatever it is, it can stop now.
Back to writing the thesis i am at least 20 pages behind on. It's on emplotment and conspiracy. Don't ask. I really don't feel like explaining it anymore. I've spent the last 6 months and 50 pages of my draft on it so far. I am considering using the paper i have wasted on this to make a tree sculpture. After i again have time to sleep and have a life. And after i have spent an hour scrubbing my butt, cuz i feel really dirty... *sigh*
Anyone else attacked by psychotic automatic things? I once heard that robots will take over one day. They are going to need better sensors for that to happen.