Thursday, July 04, 2013

Holy Humidity Batman

Damn, that weather is making sweating easy even without much workout. Stupid weather pattern shifts. Maybe tomorrow i will fry eggbeaters on the driveway. In a pan. Cuz it's that hot out there.
I am starting to get the headaches again. Dave is melting, the cats are melting, the air conditioner is on. So, my sinuses feel like they may explode out my forehead, resulting in tooth pain, jaw pain, nausea, tinnitus and eye pain. Stupid sinuses. I will probably have to stay outside as much as possible the next couple of days (when not working a billion hours at my various jobs) to try to get them to drain. The rinses just give me infections. Exercise can help, if i catch it fast enough. I choke a lot while running and biking. Icky, but there ya go.
Off to work for my holiday. In air conditioning. With loud people and bright lights. The fun never ends.
Gonna do some research sometime about that.
Oh, and the palpitations have been coming back. With some hand tremors. Mom's uncle had Parkinson's. I always go worst case first. Then i decide it's nothing and get back to business. However, it is getting noticeable to others and annoying as hell. But only sometimes. The docs will probably just say something about my gender and send me on my way. Stupid perimenopause hormone imbalance. Is there anything that can't cause? My legs go rogue on me sometimes, too. Otherwise, fine. You?

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