Friday, July 12, 2013

Irritable bowel, irritable me

So, evidently cats get irritable bowel. It wasn't just gastroenteritis on crack. Bring on more meds and even more special food. Damn cat eats better than i do. As long as the vomiting and diarrhea stop, i don't care. I can't take that smell or all the cleaning anymore. The meds make her foam like a rabid animal. So, it goes like: catch her, shove plunger in mouth, push fluid down throat, chase with towel, catch drool for twenty minutes or so, done. The next 30 days are going to be so much fun. I can not overemphasize the fun part enough. Other words starting with "f" come to mind also. Never had such a frigging expensive cat before in my whole 47 years.
In other news, the bane of nights got fired. So, i made a deal with the devil to work 3 next week in exchange for a three day weekend. More time to chase the cat with a towel and do crap and foam related laundry. Such fun. I don't know how i got so lucky to have so much fun.
Needless to say, i am dropping the third job, which involves freelance blogging for lazy people who can't write their own. Most of the stuff you think is written by people who know stuff on sites like and doctor sites are actually written by googlers without a clue like me. Now don't you feel better about the "knowledge" on the internet? Basically, a few people wrote crap and the rest of us cannibalize it. Hell, if i am going to be underpaid to write crap, i might as well write what i like and submit it myself. The rejection rate won't drop, the pay won't increase, and the satisfaction to frustration ratio will improve loads.
Speaking of, off to rework the cat blog in a bit. The fun with an orthopedic doc to see about the pinky that won't heal. Sprained or some crap. Finally got it x-rayed. No break or anything, but 3 months later still hurts and it has been re-injured so many times i have lost count. One day it will be straight and unswollen again, but that day is not today.
Later, minions.

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