Sunday, October 09, 2005

Keen Observation - Karmic Musings

So, yeah, i do believe in karma. What comes around goes around and all that stuff.
In light of that, i have opinions on America's involvement in the Middle East. Mostly negative ones. I don't think that a government that can't afford to make sure that i can get the meds i need for my asthma (or afford a doctor to fill out paperwork to get the pharmaceutical company to give it to me for less/free) has an altruistic bone in its decrepit bloated body. I have worked in human services. I have seen the effects of managed care and cutbacks. But, that is not why i am writing this, or i would have called it a rant. I am just saying that the only reason that those greedy bastards do anything is money. They smell oil and money and in they go. Hell, they can't catch the other guy after the Towers, so they go for someone they can catch and take the emphasis off their impotence. The masses get happier and maybe even cheaper oil in the process.
It seems less ironic and unexpected to me than to some folks that recent natural disasters have affected oil production in this country, raising the price of oil and exacting a cost in loss of life. I had wondered how long it would be before the greedy quest for oil the country is and has been engaged in would catch up with it. Funny thing, karma. If we don't learn the lesson soon and keep repeating the past, things are going to get worse before they get better. That is not my opinion. It's just the way karma works. The more you fight it, the more bad crap you get back. Think you're invinceable and that because you can afford a Hummer you should drive one and the universe will tend to smack you right the hell back down.
Say it any way you want... You reap what you sow, you get what you give, for every action there is a reaction, all causes have effects (and vice versa). No matter how you slice it, greed gets you less.
Get mad at it all you want, but karma is the law. I prefer to learn and move on before the lessons get more painful. I've had enough of the painful ones to last a lifetime or two.
It isn't fatalistic, folks. It actually puts the control/responsibility right in your hands. You want a better future, be better today. Cause and effect.


Anonymous said...

hey there from your favorite anarchist gay boy, (i'll be really hurt if i'm NOT your favorite anarchist and i've lost to anyone other than Emma Goldman, favorite gay boy, well, that's not nearly as important to me). i think, not suprisingly that you're thoughts are right on. ::sigh:: wanna help form a sustainable community off in oregon or something? (((HUGGZ)))

Unknown said...

Of course you are my favorite, silly boy... Yes, let's do. Of course i have like a zillion dollars in debt, but what the hell...