Monday, October 10, 2005

News - Run!

So, i took up running at the end of July 'cuz of runner boy and then kept going because (1) i like it, (2) it might help the asthma, (3) cute guys run, and (4) i am so going to beat his times in the 5 and 10 k! Having done the "couch to 5k" thing from cool running, i signed up for my first race. Local fundraiser, so low-key. Should be fun, except that i can't listen to my favorite comedy duo while doing it. 'Cuz it's Business Time (go find the song on their site and laugh). The only problem with running is that i associate running with this... which leads to this and winds up with this(it's all Erica's fault, Sam). Not a huge problem in and of itself, but then for some reason i end up over here. And then i remember the banning. My mom banned that when my brother and i started flying off stuff at each other. We still do sometimes, but only in the pool. Mom and her silly "don't break your brother" rules. Similar to the "don't bleed on my carpet" rule. We do still grapple and do that sort of thing, but throws and such are strictly in the pool of doom now. Especially since mom is now a grandmother and so we have to act all adult and stuff... Boring.
So, if i survive the run on the 22nd, i will let you know how it went. My brother is coming down this weekend. I have to go to the gym now. Just in case...

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